When CEOs Fail: Snap Judgements vs. Strategic Thinking

When CEOs Fail: Snap Judgements vs. Strategic Thinking

Most entrepreneurs make decisions as if they’re drunk. You look at the quality of the choices they make and there’s shockingly little thought behind it.

Too much ego, too little humility.

A problem or opportunity comes up, and a snap judgement is made: “let’s do this-” or maybe, there’s a little poking around to see what others have done.

But it’s superficial.

Almost NONE are doing what it actually takes to be repeatedly successful.

  • Thinking from first principles
  • Making small choices to test a concept first
  • Seeing what actually works
  • Accepting when they’re wrong

To think that you have some unnatural gift to make a good decision every time is STUPID.

Or is the bravado just covering up that you’re deathly afraid of making the wrong choice?

Business success is three spokes on the wheel:

  • SCIENCE: think from first principles, test, and let the results guide
  • ENGINEERING: Use what you learn to build a machine that’s bigger than you
  • DISCIPLINE: A leader willing to buckle the fuck down and get it done, even when he doesn’t want to

Saying “I don’t know” isn’t weak, it’s smart

Building a process instead of making it up each time builds an organization of leaders.


Now get back to work.

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