This One Number Can Change Your Business Life

This One Number Can Change Your Business Life

I see entrepreneurs falling into the same 2 traps:

1 – They don’t track any metrics
2 – They track too many

Only one thing matters, and it’s going to change your life. Here’s what to do ↓

1 – “I don’t track metrics” (really)

They are running a business off of gut feel.

They have been in the trenches so long they have an intuition for their business and what needs to be done.

This is great … If you never want to improve your business.

2 – “I track too many metrics.”

They are scared to miss anything in their business.

They think that the perfect KPI dashboard can act as a crystal ball.

While some metrics will help you avoid mistakes, too many turns into either:

Analysis paralysis –
There is too much information that the business owners just stares at the data all day and never takes action.


‘Yanking the joystick’ –
(don’t make the obvious joke)
The business owner is too sensitive to a negative metric that they make decisions too fast and unsettle the business in doing so.

The solution?

Finding the One Metric That Matters.

Every business has goals and every goal has a metric that you can track to achieving that goal.

That one metric is what you focus everything on. Don’t focus on 50 metrics. Don’t go by gut. Find the One Metric That Matters, now, and pour everything into fixing it.

Want to increase ad spend to get more customers … but CPL is preventing it?

That is your one metric that matters. Focus on that and you’ll hit your goal.

Want to install more solar panels but you can’t because crew overtime becomes too expensive?

Cost per install is your metric that matters, focus on improving that and you will find ways to hit your goal.

The best part?

The metric that matters moves as your business grows and your goals change.

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