I used to run my business the same as the 99%.
But since adopting this contrarian method used by the top 1%, my view on scaling has completely changed (and got me to over $40M in company exits for my teams):
Most people dive head first into scaling, burning through cash. (I used to be one of them)
When I started my marketing agency, I was convinced I knew exactly what our customers wanted. Spoiler alert: I didn’t.
For two years, I hemorrhaged money, marketing the wrong services to the wrong people with the wrong message.
It was like trying to sell sunscreen in a rainstorm – frustrating, expensive, pointless.
Most founders do the same thing. They have an idea. Maybe they ask a handful of people. Invest a bunch of time and money. And that’s why most of them fail.
They’re like a business compass, pointing you in the right direction without the price tag of full-scale implementation.
Would you rather spend hundreds of thousands on a product or offer nobody wants, or a few thousand testing if people actually want what you’re offering?
Relentless scientific testing of your messaging, offers, products, features, business ideas.
1/ Directional Tests: am I in the ballpark? Or should I toss this idea in the trash before I sink the cash?
2/ Statistical Tests: How likely is it that I have a winner?
3/ Revenue Tests: what does scale look like?
Analyze the results with the precision of a scientist in a lab. In the end, it’s not about what YOU think will work – it’s about what the data PROVES actually does work.
Let data guide your product roadmap, not just gut feelings or HiPPO (Highest Paid Person’s Opinion) decisions.
So ignore:
- your gut
- your mom’s opinion
- your friend’s opinion
Test. Then ask for money.
Whoever pays gets an opinion.