Everyone is looking for a magic pill. We want results without effort. We want to shortcut the process and just jump to the outcome – a thriving business, six pack abs, a stress-free relationship.
We waste time looking for magic bullets: watch another YouTube video, read an article, download another PDF, and get ourselves into someone’s marketing funnel.
When all along, the answer to getting what we want is right in front of us.
If we took the time we spent chasing rabbits, and spent it working steadily towards our goal, we’d be there.
But that feels hard. The unpleasant task of putting in the reps.
We could simply spend 1,000 hours on things we know get us to our goals. Instead we spend a lifetime of hours, on distractions.
Never realizing that even if we did find a magic strategy in our search, it wouldn’t work. Because we wouldn’t put in the reps on that, either.
Just do the work.