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Online Reviews


Could you be missing out on a 24% increase in sales by not focusing on your online reviews? Let’s explore how to take control of your reviews and turn them into a powerful sales weapon using science. I’m going to give you a tool so you can do it NOW.

The Impact of Reviews

A 2021 study in the Journal of Marketing Science found that a single negative first review can tank your average rating by 0.29 stars and cost you nearly 40 reviews over the next year. AND … if that one bad review is the first one shown, it can poison the well for months to come. However, if you get those first reviews right, you’re setting yourself up for a wave of positive feedback since customers often base their reviews on earlier reviews.

Step 1: Respond to Every Review

Here’s the first step to fixing this: respond to every single review, good or bad. Research by Proserpio and Zervas published in the Journal of Marketing Research found that responding to reviews boosts star ratings and can increase the total reviews by 12%. It can also bump you up half a star within six months. Why? It shows that you care, you’re listening, and this builds brand value over time.

Responding to reviews boosts star ratings

Now, before I give you the how-to, I’ve created a free mini masterclass on scaling with science, packed with tactics you can use today. Just click here to get it for free: Free 7-day mini-masterclass  

Handling Negative Reviews

We all get negative reviews from time to time. Research from Bocconi University and INSEAD in 2023 showed that a single negative review on the first page of your webpage can decrease purchases by 42%. Each additional negative review drops that by another 27%. This effect is strongest for reviews about product or service functionality. But remember, negative reviews aren’t all bad. They give you a chance to publicly demonstrate how you handle problems and can turn dissatisfied customers into brand advocates by responding to them.

Negative reviews can decrease purchases

Step 2: Review Order Matters

Next up is review order. Research from Tuck and the London Business Schools highlights something called the primacy effect. A bad first review is incredibly damaging, but a relevant positive first review is a massive plus. Check how your website or product listing sorts reviews. If they are sorted by date, fix that – and feature a compelling, detailed positive review as the first one that people see. This can increase your sales by up to 20% (!).

The order of reviews can affect sales

Testing Your Changes

How do you test if all this is working for your business? It’s simple: use the scientific method. Ask the right questions and let the data guide you. I’ve got a tool called Sell More with Science that you can use to pick exactly the right test to run.

For your on-site reviews, create two versions of the product page: one with your current review set and one with the optimized reviews. Run a simple A/B test showing different people different versions of each page and see which gets a better response. Use any standard page tracking software to track how far people scroll down, how much time they spend on the page, and how many add-to-cart clicks you get (more details in the free resource download above). You’ll find that by changing the review order, it probably makes a huge difference!

Testing changes to reviews

What if you have a product on a third-party site? This testing can take a little longer but it’s worth it. First, track how many leads come in from each review site or how many sales you’re getting. This gives you a baseline. The next step is to actively manage the reviews—respond to them and address negative reviews both publicly and privately. After a month or two, check for an increase in leads or sales for those sites.

Tracking leads from review sites

Real Results

I’ve worked with a services company to lift revenues by 24% without spending a dime on new advertising. Product companies have seen even bigger increases—all by focusing on working scientifically to sell more. Make sure you use the Sell More with Science chart to guide you: if you want the full roadmap to scale your business scientifically, click here to see how I built a $2.9 million business from just $500 in tests using the scientific method.

Building a business using the scientific method


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